What is the issue on the Korean Unification?

Since the appearance of the Republic of Korea (RK or South Korea) and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea) in 1948, the two Koreas are completely separated politically, socially, culturally and militarily. Almost immediately thereafter, the idea of uniting the two countries was born but interpreted in radically different ways from both sides of the thirty-eighth parallel. 

What are the Basic Common Interests Between USA, China and Japan?

It is apparent that the most important common interests cover the economic cooperation and development, considering that the United States, China and Japan are already major economic partners, strongly linked with trade. For the United States, China is the largest trade partner while Japan takes the second place. For America, China and Japan rank respectively second and third in volumes of trade. Japan trades most with China, followed in a close distance by the U.S. 

What are the Basic Common Interests Between China, the US and Japan?

What are the Main Security Threats for China, Japan and USA in East Asia?

·                  The growing Chinese economy may prove to be a challenge for Japan's economic status and role in Asia and the world.

·                  The rising military spending of China in an attempt to build more effective capabilities and their increased activity in Asia is taken with alarm by the Japanese military strategists. Many senior politicians called the rearmament of China a "threat" to the national security of Japan.

What are the Main Security Threats for China, Japan and USA in East Asia

Is there a strategic rivalry between China and Japan?

U.S., Japan and China are undeniably the most important strategic forces in East Asia. The stability there depends mainly on the relationship between the three countries. When we look closer at their relationship, we will discover something really alarming. While there are negotiations and dialogue between Japan, USA and Australia, as well as between China, Russia and India, the lack of any mechanism for joint talks between leaders of Tokyo, Beijing and Washington to discuss trilateral relations and regional issues, is at least worrisome.