It is apparent that the most important common interests cover the
economic cooperation and development, considering that the United States, China
and Japan
are already major economic partners, strongly linked with trade. For the United
States, China is the largest trade partner while Japan takes the second place. For
America, China and Japan
rank respectively second and third in volumes of trade. Japan trades most with China, followed in a close distance by the U.S.
The exceptionally strong economic ties between the three countries illustrate
that if any of them wishes to maintain its economic development and prosperity,
it would have to maintain normal relations with the other two. This is especially
true for China, which relies
on direct investments from the United States
and Japan
for its economic growth and for access to the huge markets of both countries.
Combined together, the three countries are the engine of the global
economic development. America,
Japan and China, with GDP for 2014
respectively $ 17.3 trillion, $ 4.6 trillion and $ 10.3 trillion, equals to almost the half
of the world's GDP. The three economies occupy the first three places in the world economic ranking, which comes to show that changes in the economic development and polices of any of them will affect not only the
other two, but the world as a whole.
There are no other trilateral relations, which have such a huge
impact on the global security and economy. Together, the three nations produce almost half of
the global GDP, score more than 40% of world energy consumption, make up a
quarter of the population and occupy the first three places in the ranking for oil imports. The currencies of the United
States and Japan are of extreme importance for
the global financial exchange and the Chinese yuan is being pointed out as the
next major currency in the financial markets.
Besides the economic interdependence, in interest of the three
countries is to maintain good relations and cooperate in economic and financial
development, to improve market conditions and to impose the rule of law,
protect copyrights, to maintain open markets and to keep their currencies
stable, controlling inflation and deflation.
Each country has its own problems and does its best to
manage their economy, but it is essential that each of them acts as a
responsible factor for economic stability in Asia
and the world.
Maintaining the regional
peace and stability
Regional peace and stability include some key features: avoidance of
confrontation and conflict between the major powers, stable balance of power in Asia, efforts to avoid chaos, crisis prevention, management of regional
conflicts, establishing and maintaining security mechanism, through which all
parties in East Asia to play a role in satisfying them, preventing proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction, suppressing international terrorism, and many
new and unconventional threats such as climate change, the spread of disease
and resource allocation.
These are the major security problems which the United States, China
and Japan
will face in the coming years. Admittedly, the parties share a common interest
in solving these problems, each of which will have to approach responsibly to
secure the peace in East Asia. In this
sense, all are interested in developing a stable mechanism for resolving common
Socio-cultural exchange
In the recent years there has been intensified movement
of people between the three countries. For tourism, education or business, more
than five million people travel between Japan and China, more than a million
and a half between America and China and more than two million between the U.S.
and Japan annually.
The support of the three countries for this exchange is important
for their future relationship, moreover the fact that the past has left its
imprint in the minds of people and many of them have a negative attitude
towards the other two countries. Changing that negative stance will require
efforts from all three countries over the coming decades to replace the
negative images.
The problems in East Asia are
extremely serious and often the parties demonstrate their hostility towards
their neighbours. As the increase of the economic strength and explosive
population growth continue, it is possible for many countries to make decision
to act more firmly in protection of their own interests.
There exist three
main problems that have the potential to catalyze a destructive chain reaction
and throw the region into chaos, disrupting the very fragile peace, achieved with
huge efforts. These three problems are basic and they form the cornerstone of
the modern relationship between the United States,
China and Japan. These are the Taiwan question, the division of Korea
and the energy security in the region.
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